888-811-2424 24HRSLS@24HRSLS.COM


Area Resources For the Deaf and Interpreters
RID (Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf)

CRID (Colorado Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf)

NAD (National Association of the Deaf)

CAD (Colorado Association of the Deaf)

CCDHH (Colorado Commission For The Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deafblind.)

ADA (American Disabilities Act)

Harris Communications


DOVE (Deaf Overcoming Violence through Empowerment)

Hands and Voices

icon-phone-redCall 24/7: 888-811-2424

icon-email-redEmail: 24hrsls@24hrsls.com

icon-fax-redFax: 1-888-758-6582

icon-web-redWebsite: www.24hrsls.com