888-811-2424 24HRSLS@24HRSLS.COM



Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons have the right to a qualified interpreter while conducting business with your office. ADA Compliance:

We provide on-site services, including but not limited, to legal, professional, education, social and consumer needs 24/7/365.
24 HOUR Sign Language Services provides highly qualified, screened, certified and non-certified sign language interpreters and signers. All subcontractors are members of RID and carry their own liability insurance. Requests that are 2 hours or more may require team interpreting (determined solely at the discretion of 24 HOUR).

Effective Techniques for Communicating with People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Things to know:

  • Deaf/Hard of Hearing people are entering the workplace in record numbers
  • Not all persons who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing read lips.
  • Not all persons who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing use sign language.
  • English may not be the Deaf/Hard of Hearing first or second language
  • Not all persons who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing are unable to speak.
  • American Sing Language is not a form of English: it has its own grammar and syntax.

Things to do:

  • Find out how each person communicated best.
  • If the person uses an interpreter, address the person, not the interpreter.
  • If the person reads lips, speak in a normal, not exaggerated way.
  • Be aware of situations where the common way to communicate is auditory (e.g., a public address announcement).
  • Get the person’s attention before starting a conversation.
  • Avoid blocking the person’s view of your or the interpreter’s face.
  • Make sure the lighting is good.

Things to consider:

  • When the person asks “What did you say” the answers, never mind”, “nothing”, or “it’s not important”, are insulting and demeaning, implying that the person is not worth the effort of repeating yourself.
  • Persons who deal very well one-on-one in communication may have a hard time with two or more speakers, especially if there are many interruptions.
  • Showing impatience to someone who is Dear or Hard of Hearing may cause them to be less assertive about telling you of his or her needs.

Things to avoid:

  • Make sure there are no physical barriers between you, the interpreter, and the person while in conversation.
  • If the person is using hearing aids, avoid conversations in large, open and noisy areas.
  • Do not become impatient or exasperated with the person if it takes longer to communicate.